Over the last week we have had a Black Guillemot lingering around the Inner Farne and every time I’ve tried to see it, it decides to hide. I even popped out the other morning to see if I could find it but without any success. I thought my chance had gone as it was not seen for a few days, until today.

My brother Toby gave me a phone call to ask me if I would bring out some milk for him, as the milk he bought in the morning had decided to jump of the bench, do a little somersault and land on the floor. Nothing to do with the big waves as he left the harbour this morning. After making him wait for a while I decided to let the ropes go and head out.

As we left the harbour on top of some cracking waves we steamed out towards Toby and all of his divers, who looked very happy to finely get their cup of coffee.

Job done so of we went across the rolling waves towards the Inner Farne. As we approached the Inner Farne I got a call to say that the Black Guillemot was back. As the cheesy grin appeared on my face I got my camera out to start taking pictures when the battery died. As you can imagine there was a few choice words coming out of my mouth but then I thought, ah what the hell at least I can see it.

Happy with my sighting we headed home, but just before we got to the harbour entrance we were welcomed by 2 Harbour Porpoise playing in the waves. We stopped the boat and they turned around and started to circle the boat. It was great to see but I was very surprised as they are normally very shy creatures. They put on a great show and then dived down but never surfaced again.

Back in the harbour I was kicking myself about my flat battery that I decided to open the booking office and give the battery a quick charge and head back out.

With the battery charged I steamed towards the Inner Farne praying that it was still there. Bingo, One winner.
A very happy lad and after taking a few shots I could see that it was in first summer plumage and was just amazing.

Hopefully I will get some closer pictures next time. Finger crossed it stays that is.