I love to see all the newborn chicks around the islands and after the weather, we have had lately the parents have done a great job raising them under the circumstances. Yes, we have lost a good few chicks but overall considering the amount of rain we have had they are doing really well. We will not know until the end of the breeding season how bad the rain has affected the seabirds but from a personal point of view the numbers will be down but this is from what I’m seeing from day to day.
I will touch on the final numbers at the end of the season but for now its all about the new arrivals and let’s hope they grow up to be big and strong and return someday to start their own family.
I do love seeing the newborns popping their heads out from below their parent’s feet or out of the nest’s, especially the Guillemots as they look a little bit like penguins and we all know how cute the penguin chicks they look when they first poke their heads out.
I also like seeing the Kittiwake chicks as they are tiny fluff balls and then you can watch them grow, stretch their wings and then fly. You don’t see that with a Guillemot chick, in fact after 2 weeks you don’t see it at all until it returns to start breeding itself in about 5 years time.

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