When you are here everyday you tend to watch every little thing that goes on and looking at all the seabirds around the islands its been a good season so far and the Kittiwakes are no different. I have noticed that some of the Kittiwakes built their nests but never laid one egg. I’m not sure if this is the first year they have paired together or they were just not successful but these little things stand out for me. Overall I think they are doing really well and the weather so far this year has helped loads. Its not very often our garden grass gets brown up here but it has this year.

I do like the Kittiwakes and it will not be long before they start to learn how to fly and then after that its all over for another year. Where has this breeding season go too. It feels like 2 minutes since we first set sail and watched all the seabirds arriving back at the islands and now its nearly over. It must be an age thing or is it just me. Never mind either way its been a good one for all the seabirds and I even thing the Shags has sort of recovered too.

I did see a few nests the other day which the Kittiwakes were building and I was thinking to myself, “Its over mate why are you building a nest” but they seemed to be happy getting covered in mud building this nest for no reason at all. Anyway who am I to question what they do as they will know better than me.

I will post an update on how they have done when I get the final figures in but until then here is a few pictures for you.

Once again thank you for taking time to read our blog and hopefully we see you onboard Serenity sometime.