Its been very quite around the Farnes lately but one or two good birds have been dropping in but unfortunaly I have never been able to see them.

We have been getting a good few Guillemots and Puffins hanging around Inner Sound and Staple Sound which is really nice for myself as well as our guests as they think they have missed them for the year, and we have seen a good few Harbour Porpoise too.

I have also been seeing the usual suspects coming in again and the numbers are starting to build up too, with the Purple Sandpipers and Golden Plovers being the main ones.

At this time of the year we get to see the Fulmars come into their own as they glide past the boat and often using the boat to show off the flying skills. They are beautiful birds and to see them in a best light has to be our Sunset Cruise.  

We also have seen a good few Manx Shearwaters go north, but not a many as last year.

The Gannets again have been lovely to see.

We also noticed the same seal for two days using the cardinal bouy as its place to rest. I’m surprised they don’t use it more often to be honest.  

I also noticed four Roseate Terns on the Knivestone and the Longstone at the weekend, with a Turnstone keeping a good eye out for it. It was also nice to see an Eider Duck back into its beautiful plumage after moulting.


 Hopefully over the next few days with the slight easterly wind coming in I might get to see some good birds too. I have heard Mr Steel, the head warden of the Farnes getting some good birds drop in to say hello so fingers crossed for myself.

Anyway here is a couple of pictures of The Pele Tower, The Inner Farne’s cliff face and Bamburgh Castle as we wrap up our last two Sunset Cruises for the year.