After a well rested holiday i returned home to the cold, burst pipes and instead of waking up in the morning and putting my flip flops on, it was the long johns. Never mind at least i was going out to the islands with a few customers.
I started the boats engine’s, cleaned the decks and then manoeuvred the boat over to the slipway to pick up my passengers.
As we steamed out of the harbour towards the islands we were greeted by 12 Harbour Porpoise, 10 Long-tailed Ducks and 6 Fulmers.
As we cruised around the the islands passing 2 Little Auks, 21 Fulmers, 9 Turnstones and many more we headed back towards the Inner Farne.
To my amazement we saw over a 1000 Guillemots. Now i know they came to the islands quick last year but they did stay as long as they normally do, but this seems to be too quick.
The question i asked you is this a good sign or a bad one?
I know nature tells us alot of things but I’m not quite sure about this one. Is it because we have been having Northerly Winds lately?, or is the spring is on the way?, or is there just loads of food around the islands that has attracted them back.
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