What a day and what a sight……

I was in the harbour this morning waiting to pick up my guests when I got a phone call from a friend saying that he had seen something in the water like a whale or a shark but he was not sure what it was.

Quick as a flash I had the throttle up and I was on my way out to the area he was. We were about 2 miles from Seahouses when we spotted Gannets diving then all of a sudden a dorsal fin appeared at the surface.

As we got closer it disappeared but then all of a sudden it was back at the surface right beside the boat.

Oh my god it was a Basking Shark and a big one too. It must have been about 30 foot.

At first I was shocked just how big it was but then you just have to stare at this amazing beast.

It was gliding gracefully through the water eating plankton along the way and you could tell it was a big shark as it’s dorsal fin flopped over at it breached the surface.

We followed it for about half an hour and then I realized that I had guests waiting on the pier to be picked up so I headed back to the harbour.

It just goes to show how carried away you can get when you see something amazing like this and so close up too.

I do this job everyday and it still blows me away with what we see.